Optimal Remote, OPTiM Corporation’s leading remote support tool, is now available worldwide!
Huawei, the global smartphone market’s 3rd-largest player, adopts “Optimal Remote” as a standard feature!

Press Release
OPTiM Corporation
Optimal Remote, OPTiM Corporation’s leading remote support tool,
is now available worldwide!
Huawei, the global smartphone market’s 3rd-largest player, adopts
“Optimal Remote” as a standard feature!
Tokyo (January 17, 2014) – OPTiM Corporation, a leading global provider of remote support services, launched Japan’s first flat-rate paid remote support service in 2006. Since then, the service has acquired 15M users ※1 , becoming the country’s #1 remote support solution. Now Optimal Remote, OPTiM’s revolutionary remote support tool, has been adopted as a standard feature in the Ascend P6, the flagship smartphone of Huawei Technologies, the world’s 3rd-largest information and telecommunications solutions provider.
Optimal Remote’s website:
Optimal Remote is a remote support tool that lets an operator remotely and securely control users’ devices. Optimal Remote allows operators to provide remote technical support and problem-solving for customers requiring help with virtually any type of smart device or PC. By using Optimal Remote, the time spent on verbal communication support is considerably reduced and problems are solved in half the time it takes for traditional phone-based operational support. ※2 Moreover, Optimal Remote claims the industry’s fastest response time for a variety of tasks, including screen transfer and remote control. These are just a few reasons why Japan’s major companies use Optimal Remote for user support and troubleshooting when new smartphones and tablets are introduced into the workplace.
As of Q3 2013※3 , Huawei owns the third-largest share of the global smartphone market. With 2M+ users, the Ascend P6 in which Optimal Remote will henceforth be standard is Huawei’s flagship product. Given the Ascend P6’s ever-expanding market, the number of users requiring operational support is rapidly increasing. For this reason, Optimal Remote has been introduced into Huawei’s support center with the expectation that operational support time for new and existing users will be dramatically reduced, thanks to remote screen-sharing and control of customer smartphones. The collaboration between OPTiM and Huwaei will commence in China and center around the Ascent P6, with future plans to expand the service to additional Huwaei smart devices and markets.
※1 Basis for calculation: Contracted quantity of remote support service of NTT East and NTT West (4530,000)※4 x domestic average number of household members (2.57 persons / household) ※5 + shipment volume of other devices
※2 Based on OPTiM’s Japanese market statistics
※3 Source: Top Five Smartphone Vendors, Shipments and Market Share, Q3 2013 by IDC, USA
※4 Source: Overview of Business Results by Business Segment (April 1, 2012- March 31, 20113) by NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION – (3) Improving customer service.
※5 Source: Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare - 1.Structure of household and types of household
【Image of Using Optimal Remote】

【A smartphone screen with Optimal Remote installed】

【About OPTiM】
Based in Tokyo, Japan, OPTiM provides solutions that reduce its clients’ support costs, with an overall focus on evolving online experiences to the point that the Internet becomes something you aren’t even conscious of, like breathing. OPTiM’s solutions’ suite includes setup, diagnostic and marketing tools for NGN and home networks, as well as mobile devices, routers, TVs, gaming platforms, multifunction peripherals, servers, printers and DVD recorders.
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※ The corporate names and product names mentioned above are registered trademarks or trademarks.
※ Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
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【Inquiries About This Article】
OPTiM Corporation Marketing / Promotion Team
TEL: 81-3-6435-8570 FAX: 81-3-6435-8560
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